
Introducing the new BIOK LAB e-shop

2024 06 06

The last few years have seen a significant change in shoppers' habits, with the cosmetics market, as well as many other product categories, witnessing a huge increase in the importance of e-commerce. The development of e-commerce remains in BIOK LAB's priorities in order to improve the shopping experience, the e-commerce platform and the supply chain.
The new BIOK LAB e-shop was launched at the end of May. Customers can look forward to an even better and more pleasant shopping experience - the changes include both an update of the e-commerce platform and a modernisation of the e-commerce warehouse. Gustė Vaitkūnaitė, Ecommerce Manager, reveals that this renewal project has been challenging for the whole team.
"We seek to improve the quality of the BIOK LAB e-shop service and customer satisfaction. For this purpose, we had to upgrade not only the e-commerce platform, but also the e-warehouse. This really required the efforts and focus of the whole team to solve the challenges during the data migration phases, as we had to ensure the migration of the necessary information between the three systems. Of course, there were some ideas that didn't work, but it was only through testing that we were able to find solutions on what we could do differently. Renewal will bring us closer to the customer and improve their shopping experience and satisfaction," says Gustė.
The main objectives of the renewal project:
- User-friendly and easy to understand e-shop design
- Fast product delivery (within 1-3 days in Lithuania)
- Better user experience (personalisation)
The upgrade phases started with the modernisation of the e-commerce platform. "We started by testing the technical part, choosing the visual design, and, in order to maximise the user's shopping experience, we had a lot of discussions with the marketing and merchant departments and migrated the data flows. Next, we worked on the e-commerce warehouse change: we looked for the best solution for delivery and shipment to the customer, and for the migration of products. I am happy that we managed to handle all the processes and today we are able to present the results of work to our customers", says the e-commerce manager.

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